Surplus sales
Drill Pipe For Sale
2-7/8” x 31’ x 1/4” Wall - $175 Each
6-5/8" x 40’ x 3/8" Wall *Slotted with Green End Caps* 2 available
7-5/8" x 40’ x 3/8" Wall *Slotted with Red End Caps* 17 available
10" Concrete Coated Pipe, very heavy wall, lots available
12" Wall Thickness: 3/8" 20 available
22" Wall Thickness: 1/2" Threaded
Chem Grout Grout Pump
CG580/3CL8/H Skid Mounted, Hydraulic Powered Grout Plant
CGPU24/DH/580/PC 24 HP Kubota Diesel/Hyd Power Pack
Common uses: Grout well casings, batch gypcrete for in floor heating, shotcrete, floor leveling, flowable fill mix to fill buried tanks.